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2009년 11월 6 -10일 중국 정조우(Zhengzhou)에서 개최된 제 2차 아시안 미용 외과 학회(The 2nd Congress of Asian Society of Asian Cosmetic Surgery)의 Body Shaping section 에서 외래기반의 대용량지방흡입 수술 (Large Volume Liposuction(LVL) in an office setting) 이란 주제로 발표하였습니다.



 The 2nd Congress of Asian Society of Asian Cosmetic Surgery



Today, the most of liposuction is performed in an outpatient setting without need of hospitalization and becomes the procedure in an office setting. For the purpose of safety, therefore, recent guideline has indicated that less than 5000 ml of total aspirate should be performed in an acute-care facility and the total amount of lidocaine should be limited by 55mg/kg. It is well known that  risk factors of LVL, such as  thromboembli, bleeding, and pulmonary edema  may cause  current limitations. Generally large volume liposuction(LVL) refers to lipoaspiration of more than 5000 ml aspirate and it has been performed frequently under general anesthesia or regional anesthesia with hospitalization but still was reported its safety by many surgeons. However, in our clinic, the tumescence could be achieved in case of LVL from 5,000 ml to 10,000 ml of aspirates within a limited amount of lidocaine of 55 mg/kg, the maximum tumescent safe dosage. Furthermore, by adding several manners, including appropriate selection of patients, reducing operation time, massive all layer liposuction (MALL) technique, meticulous postoperative care, could help to permit safe and effective LVL. With the tumescence which is able to minimize these risks more than any type of anesthesia, LVL is thought also to be performed in an outpatient setting in patient with morbid obesity demanding LVL. Given the increasing patient demands of the promising health benefits from LVL, precisely defining the true volume limits of liposuction become increasingly important.


소림사의 고장 정주는  인구는 약 500 만명정도로 중국의 중심에 위치하고 있어 교통의 요지로 알려져 있으며 한창 개발되고 발전되는 도시이다. 주요 관광지로는 소림사와  중국의 중악으로 알려져 있는 숭산, 죽림칠현이 있었다 던 운대산,  그리고 세계문화 유산으로 중국의 3대 석굴중의 하나이며 약 2000여개의 불상이 새겨져 있는 용문석굴등을 들수 있다. 그러나 명색이 국제 미용 학회에 비해 아직은 중국 의사의 참여도는 많이 떨어져 보인다. 



 소림사 입구

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